Engage in our Governance Competence group

The Governance competence group deals with policy issues in the ID4me ecosystem. Even if ID4me is an open standard that anyone can adopt and implement without having to accept any contract or rule, it is still useful to promote a shared understanding of recommended behaviours, especially when they have to be later embedded in the technical architecture of the system.
Some of the discussion items, either current or planned for the future, are:
- Best practices for identity authorities and identity agents
- Possible accreditation / quality mark programs
- Dealing with potential abuses by ID4me operators and users
- Models for the expression of trust and the provision of certified information within identities
For some of these items, the competence group interacts with the Technical competence group for the specification and implementation of the necessary features in the system.
The competence group meets online on its mailing list. Subscription is open to everybody and archives are openly accessible.
It may organize calls or meet in person at ID4me Summits when necessary. However, this is a low traffic gathering that mostly acts to foster discussion on shared issues and provide feedback on proposals under consideration by the ID4me association.
Group Lead: Vittorio Bertola